NEMUS is a consortium of multimedia communication specialists, a multi skilled one stop shop for your personal and business projects, from research and conceptualization, through accurate planning and bespoke content creation, to production and delivery. Creativity and knowledge are definitely our guiding lights in each and every project and design we produce. Our services range from graphic design, logo design to the creation of a consistent visual identity (letterhead, brochure, business card, poster, booklet, digital, banner ecc.), mastering the art of digital and traditional illustration. We operate effortlessly in print and digital communication, creating 2D, 3D and VR content for , logo animation and infographics, immersive multimedia experiences for cultural environments and exhibition stands, offering creative, effective and budget oriented solutions, from videomapping to anamorphic projection. NEMUS dedicates its expertise and passion to sound design and event branding (stage design, totem, photo-wall).
After long experience in publishing, the team manages the entire process for editorial projects books, magazines, cataloguesand booklets of nature, mountaineering , history, art, archaeology and theatre. Our workflow is smooth as the editorial manager works alongside with graphic designer and photographers to create and produce bespoke content and layouts, dedicated photo shootings and accurate image and scientific researches; copywriting and edit will then lead to translations into other languages and publication.
We also aim to promote and preserve our preciouscultural and environmental heritage,building up a local network of professionals and promoters, and believing in a slow tourismrespectful of places and traditions. NEMUS provides research, narrative, scientific dissemination and mapping for tour and itineraries,developing a consistent graphic identity) for both print and digital environments, and offering new fruition tools to museums, natural parks, archaeological sites and territorial promotion campaigns.