The view from above widens the horizons, reveals new perspectives and places the figures in a grandiose context, allowing you to follow their action.
When shot with wisdom and skill, drone video footage gives unusual sensations with a strong emotional impact.
NEMUS offers a drone pilot with EASA/ENAC certified training, and a pair of legs capable of pushing themselves to peaks, speeding along crests or climbing safely in the most unpredictable places and in the most diverse weather conditions, in order to grasp just the right moment for a photo or a video and leave you speechless.
It applies to landscape videos, hiking, mountaineering, mountain activities news, tourist promotion , and to documentaries also photographic documentation of monuments or inhabited areas, whenever you need to have a zenithal and/or panoramic view, or if it is necessary to capture a detail that cannot be reached with a common view from below.

Videography - Beno
Edting - Alessandro Castriciano
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